Pending Firearm Legislation 2017

Christmas is upon us and the New Year will soon follow. With it comes the 2017-2018 SC legislative session and the promise of new laws. Firearms, and the regulations controlling them, will be a prime target of law makers this year. Some of the proposed ideas will be beneficial to gun owners, but others will Read More …

Wetted Nitrocellulose and the ATF

Recently there has been a large uproar around the internet regarding an ATF “reclassification” of wetted nitrocellulose. In the June 2016 issue of the ATF Explosives Industry Newsletter the ATF included a short paragraph on wetted nitrocellulose. While the ATF dates the release as “June”, it appears the newsletter was likely released in late August. The Read More …

SC Gun Control Hearings

The SC Senate has formed a five senator sub-committee to travel to the state and solicit citizen input on gun control. The effort is being driven by Senator Marlon E. Kimpson and chaired by Senator Gerald Malloy. Both are Democrats from the I-95 belt to coastal SC. The sub-committee is rounded out by three Republicans. Read More …