A Sad Day

Yesterday Connecticut was subject to a terrible tragedy, and now is a time for mourning. 20 some families are bearing a horrific loss during what should be the most joyous time of year. During this season of celebration my heart goes out to those families. Prayers and thoughts are called for now.

Silencers and Hunting

Silencers have been catching on with the hunting crowd and articles on their use have made recent appearances in a couple of popular magazines. The National Rifle Associations’ American Hunter and the classic Fur-Fish-Game each carried articles on silencers in the past several months. As all national publications must do out of necessity, the magazine Read More …

Schedule A

The ATF requires all gun trusts to have a ‘Schedule A.’ This is nothing more than a list of assets assigned to the trust. This simple addendum to the trust affirmatively establishes what property, such as NFA firearms, belongs to the trust. Without such an assignment the ownership of a particular firearm might be in Read More …

Post Election Thoughts

The election is over and gun owners received mixed results. The return of Obama certainly has the potential for gun control, but the Republican control of the House will hamper any effort for new legislation. More than likely, this issue will be dormant until the parties hammer out an agreement for dealing with the fiscal Read More …